Holiday Hours for 2023
13 December 2023
Read more to find our operating hours over the Christmas period.
13 December 2023
Read more to find our operating hours over the Christmas period.
16 February 2023
We won AIRR's National Award for General Merchandise Supplier of the Year at their recent conference in Adelaide.
15 December 2022
Keep up to date with the changes to our operations and all other information surrounding the upcoming holiday period.
14 November 2022
Heiniger has recently acquired Savel Hydrobaths, the premium bath on the market in Australia. The addition of this business into the Heiniger product portfolio further highlights our focus on providing premium products to professional groomers as part of our Total Grooming Solution.
2 June 2022
Registering your Heiniger products has never been easier...
10 March 2022
You might have noticed our new look recently. Learn the true meaning behind the global branding update and exactly what this change represents for us at Heiniger.
31 March 2020
Personal safety has been and continues to be at the heart of the Heiniger business. To ensure we continue with this mission, we have taken the following steps in response to the developing coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.
9 October 2019
Heiniger Shearer Training Centre in Jamestown, South Australia to provide a world-class venue for training of shearers and wool-handlers with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment ensure access to the best opportunities for aspiring shearers.
1 March 2019
Traditionally, the 30th Anniversary is symbolised by pearls, and comparable to a pearl, Heiniger Australia can trace its 30 year journey back to the beginning where it all started with a single grain - the vision and commitment of Werner Heiniger & Gary Lyons to establish a subsidiary in Australasia bringing the range of world-renowned Swiss quality shearing clippers to the Australian market. From humble beginnings, Heiniger Australia has grown to be a market leader in animal clipping, husbandry, identification and grooming, employing more than 40 staff across Australia and New Zealand and turning over $40 million per year.
5 December 2018
Closed for stocktake on Monday the 17th of December 2018. Lonsdale office and warehouse will be closed from 4:00pm Friday the 21st of December 2018 and will reopen 8:00am on Monday the 7th of January 2019. Perth office will remain open over the Christmas period, with the exception of public holidays.